Too day I wen in too Bridge Town wid me family for to go buy some tings. Mainly, I wanted to get me some Duty Free products, an see what oder tings dey had der.
Here are some ov my best purchases:
I gon got some Caribbean Rum Cakes for some ov de special people back at home. I ain't never had tried none, but me mum say itz pretty good.
Af ter I graduated from Uni, I knew dat I wanted to buy me someting nice to celebrate all mai accomplishments, So I went into de Tiffany Store and bought me a sliver chain - link bracelet. I like it a lot, and since it was Duty Free, I got it at a very good price :)
For de longest while, Ibe wanted to get me sum black strappy heels to wear out on de town. I FINALLY found de ones I like.

Oh yeah, an I met RIHANNA!!!
She oftn buys tings from de shop dat me mum's friend owns, so when we were in dere shopping an talkin to her, Rihanna cum on by. It was super cool to meet her in person, and see her shop wit her friends on de island. I asked her if she would take a picture, but she said "not at dis time" but at least I still got an autograph.
With this entry, I wanted to give you all a taste of the Bajan accent. Hope you enjoyed it!
Peace, Love, and Happiness!
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