I often refer to my mass photo taking habits as "documenting my life", and this, is the written elaboration of that journey. I hope you enjoy reading about the various thoughts, adventures, and encounters of my life

Friday, August 27, 2010

Forget 12hr energy, I've got 4-month energy

People often ask me how I do all of the things I do.

My secret?

I allow myself to derive excitement and energy from everything I do.

Now that may sound silly, but all of the people I meet, places I go, things I do and experiences I have energize my daily life and allow me to do more in a month than some people do in an entire year. Honestly! I could be fresh off of a week long trip abroad, then give myself a 2 day turn around before staring my full time job. Forget about jet-lag, I didn't experience it at all. Even after living 7 hours ahead for 5 weeks.

I thought about why I was feeling particularly tired yesterday, then I realized that i'm actually reaching the slow down of a 4-month roller coaster of adventures. My last "free" (non travel, non planned) Saturday was back on May 22nd. Let's see, since then I've done quite a lot. Wow. A whole lot. I planned this "super summer" and it's amazing to see how everything went above and beyond going according to plan.

It was awesome.  

What my Saturdays have been filled with since May. . .
May 1 - Graduation. May 8 - family stuff, first time back home. May 15 - Ann Arbor w/ Dom. May 22nd - Free!. May 29th - Return from Backpacking the Appalachian Trail. June 5th - Garage Sale. June 12th - En Route to Barbados. June 19th - En route home from Barbados. June 26th - Graduation Party. July 3rd - Dom in Town! July 10th - First weekend in Madrid. July 17th - Sevilla. July 24th - Barcelona. July 31st - Madrid. August 7th- First day back in the States. August 14th - Dom in Town! August 21st - Neil & Jabs in Town!

And tomorrow, August 28th, all I plan to do is work out, get my hair done, and sleep.

So for those of you who need to get your 8+hrs of sleep a night, or just always feel tired, here are my few suggestions:

- Do things that make you HAPPY. Even if it's just that dance class on Thursday nights, or watching some TV show online or off of your DVR, have SOMETHING to look forward to at all times. It makes the less exciting stuff much better, as it acts as a count-down rather than just a waste of time.

- Get energy by DOING. This could be working out, spending time with friends, traveling, reading, learning, whatever! Find a way to let the stuff in your life fulfill your life, and enrich it too. You will feel better, look better, and have everyone wondering how you possibly don't drink 2 cups of coffee in the morning. (I've never been a coffee drinker - it makes me super jittery. When I wake up in the morning, I already function like I've had several cups of espresso. People HATE me for this.)

- Find something to LOVE. What is your passion? What is your drive? What or Who, regardless of how you were feeling before makes you forget about your problems and smile? Some people may not even know that they're missing this, but after my 2 hour commute, getting a txt from my boyfriend or walking through the door and having Coco (only the BEST dog ever - if you doubt me, you can come and meet her for yourself) run up and get excited that I'm home, makes life all the more worth living.

- Ignore everyone else, and just do YOU. I mean, go with your gut instincts. Act upon what you feel and what you want to do. Forget insecurities, or the fact that you've never done it before. I promise you, you will learn something new, learn about yourself, and maybe even find a new hobby, friend, or place to love. This is how I discovered backpacking, and got closer to one of my now best friends.

There's probably more that I could say about making the most out of your day, and living the best life that you can, but i'm no professional. That may almost make this information better as I speak from experience, and the decisions i've made in my own life.

If you have questions, suggestions, etc, let me know! I'd love to chat with you.

Peace, Love, and Happiness,


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