Written, on Monday, 8/9/10
Last night I think jet lag caught up with me, as after half watching some old episode of True Beauty online I passed out. It probably was just nearing 6pm too. By the time I finally woke up, it was 12:30. I figured that the next hours of sleep would probably be better sans jewelry and jeans, so I changed into comfy clothes and did all the other "pre bedtime routine" type things. It was like an intermission of my sleep. A refresher for round 2.
I was washing my hands when I looked down and smiled at the french manicure half done by my host family's 7 year old back in Spain, then it hit me. . .
Where's my nail polish remover!?
After a quick mani at 1am, I went back to bed, waking up every hour or so to check the time. This day was too important to rely on my parents as a back up alarm, plus, I had to catch the bus at 7:22.
Got up at 6. Showered. Dressed. Made Breakfast. My mom, doing as moms do, added her input every step of the way (are you wearing heels? Don't use a knife in the pan, use a spatula) and treated today like my first day of school. Which, in many ways- for her- this is my LAST, first day of school. In my eyes, I see it more like the beginning of sophomore year, as I interned at draft last summer. I know the campus, already have some friends there, and won't feel entirely like a fish out of water. Obviously there will be some new things: new team mates, new campaign, different cube, and different policies and responsibilities, but for anyone who know me, they'll know that this only gets me excited (and able to function without sleep).
So as I walk out the door, my mom takes my picture by the garage door. Like we've done on the first day of school for 12 years now. (I'm pretty sure I even sent her picture txts of my first day outfits in college too).
I'm walking through the cul de sac and she's in the driveway saying things like "the bus comes on this side of street! Be sure to have your money ready! Make sure you wave when it comes!" All the while I'm saying "yeah mom, I got it, I know!" She does it because she loves me. I do it because I've got this.
Real World, Day 1. Bring it on.
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